8am-11am Ortho Insight 3D

Remote presentation by Dan Knoch (dan@inn-soft.com) over screensharing and telephone. Dan shows some functionality. The group introduced itself and commented on the software. Questions  included:

Dan continues to show how the 3D model can be overlapped with a 3D facial scan. 

1pm-3pm Open Source Dental Tools

1:50p AAOF Legacy Collection

Sean Curry presenting.

Collection is done, stable, and in maintenance mode. Showed statistics of usage, which has gone up significantly compared to last year.

There is a concern about protecting the images from being distributed outside the collection (i.e. somebody gets a copy, and gives them to somebody else). It is hard to control where the images go. Thinking about using another download mechanism that allows better download tracking and control, over the current FTP based mechanism.