Gunther Blaseio's email

Gunther Blaseio at Quick Ceph, contacted Carla Evans to find out what he could tell his current users regarding the EHR confusion. 

Here is the reply we prepared to reply to his.

> Dear Dr. Evans,
> Thank you for your response and for inviting me to the meeting in Chicago prior to the CDS Mid-Winter Meeting February 23 and 24. Unfortunately due to another commitment a few days later I cannot attend. However in case of a change I will let you know.
> Provided you have no objections or additions we plan to respond to our customers who have asked us about our progress regarding the EHR:
> "
> Dear Dr. X,
> As you know there is an electronic health record (EHR) mandate for practitioners with over 30% Medicaid patient volume starting in 2015.

As far as we know, it's not a mandate per se. Providers with more than 30% Medicaid patients can apply for stimulus payments to help them purchase certified (i.e. meet requirements for meaningful use, electronic prescription, public health reporting, etc). software packages. That's all. No obligation yet.

> The AAO published a summary of efforts to include an orthodontic standard.

Might want to add a link to this reference.

> The ADA Standards Committee on Dental Informatics (SCDI) Working Group 11.6 is in charge of creating a standardized file format that can be exchanged between practitioners, insurances, and patients.

11.6 is not in charge of creating a standardized file format: HL7, DICOM and others exist already. 11.6 is creating orthodontic specific documentation (called Technical Reports) which can help software developers implement such file and network formats. Most of the existing standards don't address orthodontics directly. 11.6 makes sure that the needs of orthodontic providers can be fully represented in the existing standard formats.

The goal of Working Group 11.6 is to identify common formats and protocols for the definition and exchange of orthodontic data, broadly classified as imaging data (scans, X-rays, photographs, cephalometric data, etc.) and other data related to patients and orthodontic treatments (demographic data, patient records, diagnostic and treatment planning information, etc.).

> Currently, there is no final agreed result of the format for the EHR in orthodontics. Quick Ceph Systems is in contact with this group and plans to add these standards to its software when they become available.
> Sincerely,
> Quick Ceph Systems, Inc.
> "
> Thank you.
> With best regards,
> Gunther Blaseio