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Preliminary JCEG IV Agenda

Wednesday November 9, 2011

630 pm Welcome Dinner to Finalize Agenda at Night Town

Thursday November 10 Dively Center Room 202

830am         Welcome and Introductions

900am         Superimpositions

1000am        3D Morphologic Standards

1100am        Registration of images

12noon        Box Lunch-Provided

1pm             Nomenclature/Terminology

2pm             Database of 3D CT images

3pm             Image Quality and Machine Parameters

4pm            Digital Study Casts


6pm Adjourn


Dinner on your own.

Friday November 11 Intercontinental Suites

Brunch Provided at the Intercontinental Suites Hotel and meeting will take place at the Intercontinental Suites Hotel on Friday.


900am               Superimposition-Summary

930am               Registration- Summary

1000 am            3D Morphologic Standards- Summary

1030am            Image Quality and Machine Parameters- Summary

1100am            Database of 3D CT images- Summary

1130am            3D Scanning-Summary

12 noon        Adjourn and head back home.

Following the protocols established in JCEG I II,and III, the group sessions will be videotaped.


New this year!! Pre JCEG 3D Software Course Wed 9am to 4 pm at the Dively Center.

This 6  hour workshop and will requre participants to bring a laptop computer capable of running high end graphics based programs. 

Latest Update from Lucia:

The recently updated  image analysis  tools run more efficiently in Mac or Linux. A dual boot ( Boot camp) mac/linux  would be ideal, but a mac  or a windows  laptop are ok  for this workshop. Presenters will bring USB  drives for  each attendee.  Also please check the  NAMIC website  that has  further  info  and  agenda for the workshop:

Please contact Lucia at for more details. Below is the workshop description.


This workshop will highlight the use  of publicly available  software for  dental applications of 3D virtual models from Cone-beam CT volumes. The ability to visualize the face in 3D does not imply the ability to quantify growth or treatment changes. 3D structural shape analyses continue to mandate a multidisciplinary collaborative team including clinician researchers, shape analysis and statistical modeling experts. Purpose: The intent of this workshop is to update researchers on the development and application of 3D quantitative analyses. In this workshop researchers will learn: 1) underlying statistical methods used; 2) implementation of the software that allows construction of 3D averages; and 3) quantitative analysis of differences in shape. Speakers: 1. Softwares and statistical analysis of shape;  2. Quantification of 3D craniofacial morphology. Outcomes/significance: The workshop will allow participants to understand the use of 3D quantitative methodology across patients with different facial morphology and for longitudinal assessments. Potentially, this workshop will enhance a more generalized use of quantitative 3D data. Attendees are requested to bring PC laptops and will be sent URLs to download relevant 3D analysis software programs in advance of the workshop. The workshop participants will be presented with the opportunity to use a number of the software packages discussed.


The following are the official working groups of JCEG along with a short description of the scope of the group:

Superimposition/Outcomes Assessment --Identify biologically stable and relevant features for superimpositionof 3D volumes.

Registration- Establish a set fiducial landmarks within the volume to insure the integrity of the image and to allow landmark data derived from the imageto be stored in a known coordinate system.

3D Morphologic Standards/Diagnosis and Treatment Planning- Combine the existing 3D Bolton Landmark data withsurface data acquired from CBCT to create 3D graphical standards thatcan be used for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning-.

Database of 3D CT images - Develop and implement a database of 3D images forcraniofacial research.

3D Digital Models- Establish guidlelines for 3D digital models that facilitates free exchange of model data among practitioners. Identify useful 3D tools for model analysis.

  File Modified
Microsoft Word 97 Document 2011 JCEG IV notes.doc 2014-11-07 by Toni Magni